Elizabeth and Josh had a fabulous wedding at the end of September. Elizabeth gets a A+ for design and planning. Almost everything was DIY or handmade - from the flower girl dresses to the drink stirrers. You guys are a wonderful couple - enjoy your sneak peek :)
It's that time of year with lots of family pictures! I apologize if I did not get your session up on the BLOG - I am slammed and trying to get a few up here. Anyway, last time I photographed this family there were only 4 and now there is 5! They are so animated and I love that. Enjoy :)
If you live in Colorado you totally understand snow at any time! Andreana & Denny were married on 10/10 and I think it was about 20' outside! I told Andreana she gets bride of the year for braving the cold and doing LOTS of outdoor pictures! Nevertheless, it was a BEAUTIFUL day for photography - all the fall colors with a dusting of snow. Thanks you two!
TO BE THIS CUTE! So, this little lady is one of my favorites to photograph each year - maybe it has something to do with the fact that mom brings a suitcase full of clothes and always wants to do fun stuff! aaahhhh. I am so excited about these pictures - they just make me happy :)
jenny & Scott got married the last weekend in September on a beautiful day in Boulder. So...when I got there and started with shots of the dress, I unzipped the bag only to find Jenny & I had the same wedding dress! I guess there is something to be said about or tastes - weddings in September in Colorado with the same dress :) Congrats!
Meet Baby Delaney at 10 days old! If you remember back to a post of belly shots in August called "Baby #2" that was her! She came into the world just perfect and Marin is a fabulous big sister :) Stay tuned for more BLOG posts today - I am going to get a little caught up!